
Resources for Studying Malachi

We desire to be a place where we can gather to encounter the person of Jesus through the transforming study of His Word, and to that end the vast majority of our sermons are verse-by-verse studies through whole books of the Bible. On May 19th we will begin a seven week study of the book… Read more »



Partnership is a way for people who consider missio Dei to be their home church to assume greater ownership of the vision and mission. Our next partnership classes will be September 16th and 23rd from 1-3p. If you have questions about what partnership is please feel free to email us at info@www.missiodeifalcon.org, or if you… Read more »


Elder Leadership Team

One of our theological distinctives as a church is that we are elder-led. This means that our understanding of Scripture is that the church is to be led by a group of men who are called to serve the church by modeling servant leadership after the example of Jesus. In May we introduced three new… Read more »

close up of welcome name tags at missio Dei: Falcon Colorado


Volunteering at missio Dei: Falcon

In order to have our weekly gatherings in an elementary school we need of volunteers for coffee, worship, missio: Kids, tech, set up, and tear down.  If you aren’t currently serving it’s a great way to use your gifts and get connected to other volunteers!  You can sign up by clicking here.